Work With Us

A root-cause approach to balance your blood sugar for good!

You want better blood sugar balance, a lower HbA1c, or to increase your blood sugar time in range without cutting out carbs and sacrificing your whole body health in the process.


You’re confused and conflicted on how to eat to support your blood sugars and you just want to know how you should be eating and living to be able to support your body.


You want a root-cause approach to support your blood sugar so you can rely less on insulin, medications, and/or supplements and resolve symptoms, like fatigue, stress, weight gain, anxiety, cravings, poor, and/or hormone imbalances.


Meet your Balanced Blood Sugar Team!


As bright as I feel that I am 😉, the reason our approach works isn’t because of me. It’s because we take a root-cause approach to understanding your health beyond just your blood sugar, which helps you feel great , allows habits and results to last, which ironically allows for better blood sugars. Each of my practitioners have been trained in this method, The Balance Blood Sugar Method, but we have also all have lived it.

All of us at one time were in your shoes. We’ve had up and down blood sugars, the symptoms, been on supplements, insulin, and medications, and experienced doctors and education that haven’t been helpful, and we’re better coaches for it!

Isaac Pohlman

CEO and Client Coach

Dietitian and Fellow T1D

Nick Kundrat

Client Coach

Diabetes Educator and Fellow T1D

Demi Lazos

Client Coach and Social
Media Manager

Nervous System and Holistic Women’s Nutritionist

Nate Schwartz

Client Personal Trainer

Certified Personal Trainer and Registered Dietitian

Hundreds of blood sugar wins, we’re ready to support you too!





More blood sugar balance success!

Ali (mother of Rosemary)














1. How did you hear about the Balanced Blood Sugar Method and what made you want to work with Isaac?

I heard about the balanced blood sugar method from social media. I came across Isaac’s instagram page and found the information about controlling blood sugar very relevant and useful for my life, and so I reached out to see if I could get some more personalised advice.

2. What were the diabetes, blood sugar, and/or health struggles you were experiencing in the beginning?

I was having trouble with high blood sugar. I didn’t really know why my blood sugar was rising after some meals and not others, and at some parts of the day and not others. I was hoping to find meals that I enjoyed eating that also supported my blood sugar, and I was also hoping to lower my HbA1C.

3. Were you skeptical about me/joining the program?

I wasn’t skeptical about the program as I had been given all the information before signing up and knew it would be beneficial for me.

4. How are your blood sugar balance and health now that we have worked together?

After working with Isaac for 6 months, I am feeling very good. I have found food combinations that work well for my energy, digestion and blood sugar and have also gained knowledge that I will be able use in the long term. I have also learned a lot about how my body reacts to certain foods, stress and other factors, which allows me to be aware of factors that what be affecting my blood sugar, and how I can control these factors to support my blood sugar levels. My HbA1C is very close to the goal I had set when I first started working with Isaac, and I think I have built a foundation that will allow me to achieve that goal in the near future.

5. What would you say to someone who’s considering working with Isaac?

I would strongly recommend working with Isaac. His program has helped me in supporting not only my blood sugar, but also my energy, and he has helped me in ways that are supportive of my lifestyle. I feel as though my experience with the balanced blood sugar method was very personalised and Isaac worked with me to find improvements that best supported my own individual needs, which I think is great because all different people with their own individual needs will be supported.


1. How did you hear about the Balanced Blood Sugar Method program and what made you want to work with Isaac?

On Instagram! I’ve been following Isaac for a good few years and his knowledge is outstanding and I knew he could give me the help I needed.

2. What were the diabetes, blood sugar, and/or health struggles you were experiencing in the beginning?

I felt shaky with blood sugar highs and blood sugar lows, I always felt tired, confused, weak, depressed, and really unsure why.

3. Were you skeptical about me/joining the program?

No, not all I knew your program would be for me from our discovery call!

4. How are your blood sugar balance and health now that we have worked together?

My blood sugar at the end of the program are fantastic no more shakes , feeling great after eating , no sugar lows , I don’t feel depressed and I’m not fearful every time eat! I’m so happy to feel like myself again! My energy is great! Life is good!

5. What would you say to someone who’s considering working with Isaac?

Don’t!!! Get off the fence invest in your health and happiness! Doing this program with Isaac was one of the best investments I’ve done! I feel now I can’t start living again!


1. How did you hear about the Balanced Blood Sugar Method and what made you want to work with Isaac?

I heard about Isaac and the Balanced Blood Sugar Method through a nutrition course I was taking and found him on Instagram. I saw he specialized in diabetes and blood sugar issues, so when I started dealing with severe hypoglycemia, he was my first choice of dieticians to work with.

2. What were the blood sugar and health struggles you were experiencing in the beginning?

I was dealing with major hormone imbalances (PCOS), mineral dysregulation and just feeling exhausted trying to get my health in order. As far as blood sugar went, I had developed severe hypoglycemia from multiple periods of prolonged stress and undereating. I could not go longer than about 30 minutes without eating and having horrible low blood sugar episodes. I could not sleep at night without waking multiple times feeling like I was going to pass out. I did not even feel confident leaving my home because I was afraid of a blood sugar crash. It was ruining my life.

3. Were you skeptical about me/joining the program?

To be honest, I was not really skeptical at all. I knew I needed help and I knew this was Isaac's specialty. After hearing the testimonials of others and having our initial discovery call, I knew this was the right way to go. 

4. How are your blood sugar balance and health now that we have worked together? 

Since working with Isaac, my blood sugar and health are so much more stable. With Isaac's help, I was able to see that the key to balancing my blood sugar and my body overall was to lower my stress. Isaac encouraged me to focus more on creating a safe environment for myself, which is something that I greatly overlooked in my healing journey. After a few weeks of implementing the goals he had given me along with eating more frequently, I began to find the things that made me feel safe and allowed my body to heal. I am happy to say that I am no longer experiencing horrible blood sugar crashes. I know how to prevent them. If I do have a crash, it is nowhere near the severity that it used to be and I am able to pinpoint why it happened. I rarely wake up shaking in the middle of the night and if I do, I know the cause and how to fix it. I've even been able to go on a 3-hour plane ride without my blood sugar crashing! Isaac not only helped me balance my blood sugar, he helped me get back my peace of mind. I know that over time, the tools Isaac has given me will contribute to my body's healing in other areas as well. 

5. What would you say to someone who's considering working with Isaac?

I say do it! Isaac will be your biggest cheerleader. I could tell from our first call that he really cares. He is always there to answer your questions and he wants you to reach your goal. Isaac will truly help you feel better and give you what you need for lifelong health. He was absolutely wonderful to work with. 


"Previously, I was really nervous to incorporate a variety of carbs at home and while eating out with family because of the blood sugar spikes and just fearing being out of control, feeling crappy, and not knowing what to do about it. But I've been able to break through that fear barrier of carbs and dosing insulin and not worry about high blood sugars because they rarely happen and if they do, I know what caused them and what to do about it. I've even been able to eat appetizers with carbs that had dried fruit and a Vietnamese place with rice noodles that were "risky" for me, which I never would have done before.

I have so much more trust in my body to bring it back down and proud that I'm not worrying about my blood sugar as much anymore. I think what helped was to know that it was normal and healthy to have a blood sugar "bump." I have consistent 80-90 blood sugars before eating and < 140 after meals without dosing a ton of insulin while incorporating more fruit and starches than I've eaten in some time! I don't have the same stubborn highs I was getting and have gotten way more comfortable with eating carbs.

My blood sugar is a lot more stable, rarely spiking or dropping low, and as a result, I'm feeling great! My appetite has also improved where I've been able to eat early when I wake up, I feel more satisfied after meals, and I don't feel hungry during the middle of the night, like I used to. By eating more earlier and front loading my day with food, it's actually helped to lower my blood sugar in the evening and even into the next day!

Eating earlier has also allowed me to prevent low blood sugar and symptoms, like feeling anxious and shaky, after my morning walks. I feel like these have helped my sleep where it's more restful and when I wake up, it's more smooth waking up instead of jarring like it used to. I'm also not needing catnaps like I used to to catch up on rest.

Since my energy and sleep have been improving, I’ve felt more able to exercise and move after meals and have developed an exercise routine I've been able to keep up with each day. I think this has been helpful in keeping my blood sugar in range as well. I can totally see how the results I got are directly related to how I plan my eating. I think my main takeaway from my time with you is that I learned to pay attention to how foods made me feel instead of just focusing on the numbers (bg, macros, etc.) 

Outside of just nutrition, I felt like what we talked about with having outlets for stress, like painting and playing the piano, especially around tax season has been incredibly helpful for improving my stress, but also insulin resistance. I would definitely recommend Isaac if you're wanting to improve your blood sugars, overcome your fear of carbs, insulin, and blood sugar spikes, and feel you best in a variety of ways!"


"Before working with you Isaac, I had pretty chronic hypoglycemia for about 30 years that was managed with a no-carb and then low-carb diet. Eventually, it stopped working and even led to higher blood sugar which approached the diabetes range. During that time, I developed total exhaustion, frequent urination, a ravenous appetite, worsening digestion, and bad heartburn. Despite all of our low-carb dieting and living on healthy, organic foods, I felt like I was on my way toward type 2 diabetes, which was extremely frustrating given all the effort I was putting into my health! At that point, Sandi and I felt like we needed support to figure out what we needed to do to make some immediate changes. In the beginning, I felt loyal to the carnivore and paleo approach, but I knew it wasn't working for me and felt the need to incorporate carbs, but was really concerned about what it may do to my blood sugar, heartburn, and if I would gain body fat.

As Sandi and I have worked with you, we implemented more satiating dense meals, healthy carbs, like fruits, digestible foods, and a variety of vitamins, and minerals, worked on my stress at work, and began incorporating some more fulfilling hobbies. As a result, I've seen huge differences! I've basically eliminated my severe carb intolerance and significantly improved my energy, while eating more carbs, yet my blood sugar has stayed stable. I did not think I would see increases in energy and the way that I feel so quickly! It’s pretty annoying when you look at how our low-carb eating was contributing to this.

I can't think of the last time that I had a low blood sugar and those spikes in blood sugar I was seeing are now gone. My energy has come back to the point where I'm able to spend so much more time doing the things I like, like working on cars, in my downtime. I felt like at the beginning, I was looking emaciated with little muscle definition, and now have actually gained more healthy muscle weight in the process. 

Not to mention, my mental health has been a lot better, and for the first time in years, I'm finally feeling satiated after eating. One of the main stressors that I was dealing with and didn't quite recognize at the beginning was the impact that my work was making and how that was contributing to my up-and-down blood sugars and symptoms. I've learned a lot of how to support myself at work which has made it a heck of a lot easier than dealing with heartburn all day long!

One takeaway we really got is the fact that we are really “duty driven or goal driven” so I had to remind ourselves often what you teach is do not chase the number, the number is not the answer to feeling well. Of course, you don’t want your glucose to be 250, but if that is what you are focused on, you are missing the thought, “How do I feel?” Tuning in to how you feel will get you results, particularly allowing yourself to observe how the chaos in your life affects your blood sugar, digestion, and health.

It's been amazing to see all these improvements and I feel like I have a great path moving forward to continue with all the progress I have made, especially with the Full Monty Panel and HTMA tests you were able to review with us. It's so interesting to see how my iron levels have influenced a lot of the symptoms I was experiencing. The last thing that I'll say is that I really resonated with what you said about focusing on fulfilling areas of my life beyond just my health. You talked about the importance of having fun and living life. When it comes to my health, I have always felt the pull to compare myself and my results to others who really haven't cared about what they were eating. Yet on the outside, these people who didn't care seemed healthier and to be having a better time than me despite not putting in half the effort that I have! I think that speaks to the importance of not strangling your health, but living your life, which is not talked about enough! Thank you so much Isaac!”


1. How did you hear about the Balanced Blood Sugar Method and what made you want to work with Isaac?

I heard about Isaac through another Instagram account. I had been reading her account to find out more about the low-histamine diet (which had been recommended for health issues I was experiencing). One day, she posted about all the food sensitivities she’d overcome using pro-metabolic eating. I followed a number of accounts she recommended, but Isaac’s was the clearest and most positive account!

2. What were the blood sugar and health struggles you were experiencing in the beginning?

I was diagnosed prediabetic after my GD pregnancy. I was really discouraged at first, but then controlled it with a low-carb diet for a couple years. That started to be harder and harder to follow. Then I had a serious illness (unrelated) which left me really depleted and weird health problems began like chronic hives, chronic inflammation, cellulitis, etc. I was desperate to feel better and not feel restricted!

3. Were you skeptical about me/joining the program?

Honestly, I was very skeptical about trying to work with Isaac! I’d tried “everything” over the years to lose weight, be healthy, solve health issues, etc. and I didn’t want to be disappointed and end up feeling even worse about myself for it!

4. How are your blood sugar balance and health now that we have worked together? 

With my personality, I was hoping for fast results! But gradually, I started having steadier energy, craving breakfast every morning (after years and years of skipping), the hives started going away, my anxiety improved (unexpected!), and I was even able to get off the low dose of thyroid I’d been on for many years (I’ve been hypothyroid 20 years), and remain off of it for a year! The inflammation spots and cellulitis are almost completely gone. My energy feels so much steadier. Best of all, my relationship with food is better than it has been in decades!

5. What would you say to someone who's considering working with Isaac?

I’ve recommended Isaac to several people. I tell them how it’s benefitted me (and continues to). I tell them how much better they’ll feel, without feeling shamed or lectured. If they’re concerned about spending money, I tell them that getting off the thyroid med and keeping my blood sugar healthy has more than paid for the time I worked with him.


1. How did you hear about the Balanced Blood Sugar Method and what made you want to work with Isaac?

I believe my sister first mentioned that I should start following you. Not to be cocky, but I feel like I know quite a bit about nutrition. I’ve been a dietitian for 15 years and I have several siblings with type 1 diabetes. I was just impressed with your knowledge and nuance with it. You weren’t like just eat carbs and take insulin, you understood the story beyond those. You and your content were right up my alley!

2. What were the blood sugar and health struggles you were experiencing in the beginning?

So at that time, I wasn’t responding to insulin therapy. I would take insulin and my blood sugars wouldn’t budge and it was so frustrating and I admit, I was extremely stressed. I was so scared to be honest, I was in a very scary place and feeling like my body was just not going to respond to insulin. My blood sugar was always in the 300s. Also, whenever I injected the insulin it would lead to a lot of pain throughout my body so I was having a horrible reaction to it. So I tried diet, I tried Paleo, keto, then raw vegan. It helped to some extent with my blood sugar, but then I started getting seizures and blackouts like every day. I realized at that time I had a tendency towards orthorexia, so I have to be really careful with that as well. One of the biggest things as well was my poor appetite and nausea, especially when I ate protein. So I mean I’ve navigated some really difficult things when it comes to food and eating. Right before we got going, I was hospitalized with DKA and came out feeling a lot worse and they [doctors] gave me tons of medication that messed up my GI tract and I couldn’t prepare my own food or walk. At this time, my A1c was a 13.8.

3. Were you skeptical about me/joining the program?

Yeah a little. I’ve worked with with a lot of different people and they really didn’t have answers. I was hopeful though because I can recognize, especially in nutrition, when someone knows their stuff. You understand that stress plays a critical role and you don’t think I’m making stuff up when I say, “When I take insulin, my blood sugar goes up.” I’m not joking, my first endocrinologist was like, “No, that doesn’t happen.” They were just like, we’re going to put you on metformin and topical metformin

It felt good to have your support and understanding when I know this isn’t a typical situation. Mine was pretty complex and that’s what I would say to anyone looking to work with you, especially if they’re not feeling like they’re getting answers or really confused because they’re “doing everything right!” I know I didn’t eat enough protein and I know that I needed what you’ve been for me where you gave me reminders of why things, like protein, were important to recovery. What was really helped was how you reminded me that while I didn’t want to eat protein because I would gag, you reminded me that this can happen when you’ve been vegetarian for a long time, and it can improve, which it did!

4. How are your blood sugar balance and health now that we have worked together? 

I can’t tell you how supportive it’s been. I feel like I have a resource that is knowledgeable and really experienced rather than just going to the doctors or even endocrinologist who are clueless. Even my colleagues that are diabetes educators, I felt like you know way more than them because they’re all about educating on carbs and counting carbs, but they didn’t really have the understanding of what it’s like to be a type 1 diabetic and you’re doing everything.

Blood sugar wise, they’re much more stable. My A1c came down to 13.8 to 6.7 over the course of 3 months. I feel a lot more comfortable in that regard and I’m learning to listen to my both rather than just following the Dexcom and I feel like that’s more indicative of my needs. The horrible reactions to insulin aren’t happening anymore and it has really helped with eating regularly and balanced meals. I also gained 20 lbs of healthy weight. My BMI was like 15 when I was in the hospital with DKA and now it’s the normal range. I’ve also been able to get off all my pain medications that was actually negatively impacting my appetite. My sleep went from like 1-2 hours a night to sleeping through the night each night!

I feel like your support helped to talk me down and encourage me to eat animal protein. After the DKA, we focused on including more potassium and felt a lot better, was walking, making my own food, and having energy. But then I started to improve with you encouraging me to eat regularly even though I didn’t want to haha, getting on an insulin pump, and eating more protein. I love that you have that knowledge of psychology of eating and value finding joy in life and understanding where your stress level is and how that plays a role in your health and blood sugar.

5. What would you say to someone who's considering working with Isaac?

I needed support and I wasn’t getting it anywhere, I was doing it on my own. I was scared and even my doctors weren’t good support. It was so important for me to have someone that knew what to do because for one, I wasn’t thinking clearly just with how poorly I was feeling and two, it’s just you had even more knowledge and knowledge in areas and things that I didn’t do that you would remind me of every time that we would meet. It was like a reboot every time we talked and I felt like, “Okay, I can do this!” It was really important for me and financially was a stretch, but it was worth it for sure because look at how far I’ve come and I just feel like I would have ran out of steam without having support.

It was just too much even with the knowledge base that I had. I just needed someone to say you’re doing it right, keep going, you’ve got this because I’ve been doing it on my own for 4 or 5 years trying to find a doctor that could help me and it just failed. With all the pain and pharmaceuticals I was taking and having it backfire, I had to learn different approaches if you want tighter [blood sugar] control. All you’ve been taught is carb coverings and counts and on your cycle you’re going to have to adjust a bit, like just little tweaks, but there’s so much more out there, like mineral balance, balancing your macros in your meals, and all those kinds of things. It’s just really good to know that as well. I would endorse you as a nutritional professional and that should say a lot because I I know a lot about nutrition and if I’m impressed with your knowledge and skill-base, that says it’s pretty good endorsement. It’s incredible, like really incredible how far I’ve come and I really appreciate your help so much. Thank you, I really appreciate you!


I had the pleasure of working with Isaac for the past year. The results I saw without even making them the main focus were astounding! I was told on multiple occasions how I looked decades younger than my actual age. I’ve not skipped a cycle since I’ve worked with Isaac. It may be due to the focus on foods that are loaded with antioxidants, along with other lifestyle changes. You’ll be far impressed by his vast knowledge of the human body. His background in interpreting bloodwork and HTMA will fascinate you. I felt comforted knowing I was working with a person who is truly caring, sensitive, kind, professional, extremely patient, and willing to share his own experiences. Isaac is someone you could talk to even about coming up with strategies to mitigate external stressors, like having better relationships and being in a conducive environment. Most importantly, despite what you’re advised, you’ll need to check-in with yourself to see how you respond to what you experience, whether it be food, exercise, etc. That’s the best thing I learned from him. Similarly, you will get undivided attention from Isaac— exactly what I needed and loved! By focusing more on regulating my blood sugar, my sleep is improving, I don't feel as many aches, my pain is decreasing, my skin is more clear with less liver spots and acne, my hair is getting thicker, and my weight has gone down by 11 lbs without even trying!


Working with you Isaac has helped me create more awareness on why my blood sugar was high and how my meals, stress, and movement have impacted that. Starting out, it was eye-opening to my high blood sugar and how much I was craving sugar. Up until that point, it felt like I kept trying all the new ideas, diets, and supplements, but no matter what I did, it seemed to help so many other people, but not me, which was beyond frustrating! I just wanted results. In working with you, we talked about simple practices, like balanced meals and mineral-rich foods, regulating stress with movement and getting away from health research, and supplementation and castor oil packs and thyroid support. As a result, I’ve seen my fasting readings and post-meal readings come into range, I’m experiencing better sleep and am waking up feeling refreshed for the first time in a long time, I’m no longer waking up in the middle of the night, I have more muscle tone, my hair stopped falling out, I have much better energy, I’m not binging on bread, and no longer have the same nervousness or anxiety, particularly in social situations. Also, thinking over what I needed to support my health made me realize how much I've been trying to control the script. I've noticed that by being appreciated and valued in my role at work, I've been more hopeful, I feel more satiated with smaller meals and more satisfied with the food choices I make particularly at night. I've realized the power of stress and how much my job has impacted me. You have given me so much clarity on how to support myself! I would highly recommend working with Isaac!


  • “My A1c has dropped from 13.8 to 6.7 over the summer and my blood sugar is averaging in the 120s! My energy, appetite, digestion, sleep, and my pain have also all significantly improved. My occupational and physical therapists have also said my strength is up by about 50%!” — Ann

  • “My blood sugar has dropped by 180 points over the course of these two weeks. I have better energy, particularly after lunch and don’t feel that same slump I did previously. I feel like I have way more energy to exercise. My hunger is also starting to are coming back in the morning where previously I didn’t feel hungry into way into the afternoon. I think eating breakfast early and the exercise has helped a lot!” — Leella

  • “My sleep, energy, digestion, and hunger are all improving. I’ve been able to incorporate more fruit and starches and my blood sugars are still staying in range. Since my energy and sleep have been improving, I’ve felt more able to exercise and move after meals, which I think has been helpful in keeping my blood sugar in range as well.” — Melanie

  • "My fasting blood sugar readings are in the 80s, I'm sleeping 7-8 hours without waking up, and I'm feeling much more satisfied after meals with no cravings! My energy has also improved a lot, I'm not constipated and much more regular, and I'm not feeling shaky before meals. I'm shocked that I'm eating more and still losing weight!" — Amy

  • "My blood sugars are more stable, I'm sleeping much better, and my energy has improved significantly! I'm not seeing as many blood sugar spikes after meals as well. These are the best few weeks I've had in a while!" — Penny

  • "I'm losing my mind! My morning BG readings are now below 100 and my day readings are mostly in the 80s. My A1c has also dropped from a 6.5 to a 6.2 on my most recent blood work. I feel much better physically, am able to fall asleep before 11 pm, and have the energy to be more active." — Heather

  • "My stomach looked like I was pregnant 4-5 months ago and felt like a rock from being so bloated. In the past 2 weeks, I haven't had that and I even went off my digestive enzymes and don't feel uncomfortable. Also, my blood sugars after meals have improved from 150-160 to 120-130. In the first two months of working with you, my A1c dropped from 5.7 to 5.5, my fasting blood sugar dropped from 98 to 91, and my fasting insulin dropped from 37 to 21.8 even while eating carbs! One of the best decisions I’ve made was joining your coaching program. I would pay twice the amount for the value I received!" — Thuy

  • “When I started working with Isaac I was at a difficult point in my diabetes management. I had good blood sugar management (A1c 6.1%) but I did not have energy. I was eating relatively low carb. I also have an underactive thyroid. He guided me through the process of reintroducing carbs in my diet and to support my thyroid and energy levels alongside good blood sugar control (A1c 5.7% now). I am very grateful I came across Isaac. He is a very kind person with a lot of knowledge and a very good listener!” — Alessia

  • “Isaac, thanks so much. I was in a maelstrom of hysterical panic upon seeing my blood sugar measurements and it was upsetting me beyond reason. Your expertise and encouragement have really helped me find relief during this difficult transition [type 2 diabetes diagnosis].” — Michelle

  • “Since working with you, I developed more clarity on how to eat in a way that is not just supportive to managing my blood sugar, but also multiple areas of my health. I am way more mentally clear and articulate, I’m no longer experiencing wide swings in appetite, I’m losing weight, my digestion is much improved, and my blood sugar readings have trended down from 110-120 to 95-100. Managing my blood sugar with food has allowed me to see the wide impact that blood sugar has on how I feel mentally and physically! — Jay

  • “Some good news: I got my period two days ago! I nearly cried of joy. Clearly something (everything?) we're doing is working for my body :) Yay carbs!...You have no idea how much this food-based-healing journey has changed my outlook on "alternative" medicine, supplements, and healing in general.” — Masha

  • “I have nothing but positives to say about you and your coaching program. My blood sugar has dropped down before and after meals while eating more carbs and I feel so much better equipped to manage my health on my own.” — Francesca

  • “Previously, I wasn’t able to tolerate carbs without migraines and bad headaches. Since working with you, I’ve been able to double my carbs and no longer am having migraines or headaches and my bloating and gastritis are going away!” — Katharine

  • “Hey Isaac, Probably too much information and oversharing but just reporting that I got my period today! Not bad for 2 and a half years of menopause! This is good news, it is a sign that my body is recovering. Thanks so much for everything, I am grateful.” — Cathy

  • "My blood sugar balance really improved and my latest A1c is a 4.8. My digestion and stress have significantly improved as well. I feel like I have a much stronger foundation than when I started and I'm very thankful for all the help and compassion you have provided me. Thanks so much Isaac!" — Carolyn

  • I haven't had a flare in inflammation, I'm getting my appetite back in the morning, and my blood sugar is much more balanced where it's rare that I experience imbalances or feel off because of my blood sugar. I finally have a sense of hope and am so happy I stuck with it! — Annie

  • "My digestion has improved, I'm finally sleeping through the night, my heart palpitations have decreased, I have much more sustained energy, and much more resilient in bouncing back after I'm sick. This is all due to balancing my blood sugar by eating balanced meals that work for me!" — Andie

  • "I'm finding the balance with carbs, taking time to fit in movement throughout the day, sleeping more restfully through the night, and feeling much more in control of my stress. My blood sugars have dropped by over 100 points, I'm experiencing consistently lower blood sugars in the morning, and I've lost at least 20-25 lbs so far!" — Kevin

  • "I'm eating smaller meals, more frequently, I'm feeling more energized, my mood is so much better, and I'm much more fun to be around! I was thinking I was getting depression and I'm happy to see this big change with my mental health. I don't feel like I need as much coffee and my blood sugars are in range after meals! I thought it was impossible for me to lose weight and I'm done 10 lbs in these first few months for the first time in years!" — Terri

  • “My fasting blood sugars have dropped under 100, I've gone off my thyroid med, and my energy has been improving steadily! I'm feeling warmer after meals and my appetite in the morning is improving, which has been something that I've battled with most of my life! My cravings for sweets have also reduced, I'm sleeping better, and migraines are decreasing with no headaches the day after, which I can't believe!" — Carol

  • "I'm seeing my fasting blood sugars stabilize and are consistently in the 90s. I'm surprised my blood sugar has stayed in range after eating carbs and that I can tolerate them better than I thought. My sleep has been really good too! I'm starting to realize the importance of slowing down and not living on stress or giving all my energy away. I'm noticing that eating enough and eating carbs is important and why other components of health should be considered, not just the A1c.” — Esther

  • "You have been so encouraging and I absolutely love the way that you handle your calls and the peace I feel even just by talking things through with you in the way that you respond. I just couldn't say enough wonderful things about how my experience has been with you!" — Terrie

  • "It's night and day how much better Adeline is sleeping and rested in the morning, so the magnesium baths have been life-changing! This past month, her A1c has dropped by 0.4 and I've seen a big shift in her personality back to her outgoing self as she was prior to her [T1D] diagnosis. It's no coincidence that she has to be feeling better! It's so encouraging to see all these improvements and it's been life-changing really!" — Clare (mother)

  • "I'm down 7 lbs and blood sugar is down by over 100 points since starting and I'm not urinating as frequently! I'm not having the sickish feeling at lower blood sugars anymore and I have much more energy and focus during the day. I also have been able to move more before and after meals, I'm eating more dense meals where I fill up and don't have to think about food, particularly in the evening. I'm really starting to be aware of the impact meal density and balance makes in how I feel!" — Jan

  • "I'm amazed at how much my energy has improved and how much warmer and refreshed I feel in the morning by balancing my blood sugar. I no longer need naps during the middle of the day to feel better, so my circadian rhythm is really improving! I'm beginning to understand how my body works and how much better I feel after having quality foods. My stress has also improved significantly since working together and I'm able to take things in stride a lot easier!" — Ruth

  • "I've noticed the more I've focused on managing my blood sugar, I don't get hangry, feel calmer, my appetite is improving, I can focus much better, and have much more endurance and energy to get things done." — Hannah

  • "I have a much more steady appetite and energy level to the point where I can exercise more. I'm not craving carbs and have a much better ability to tolerate them because I'm not having these energy crashes anymore after eating them. I have a much better sense of what and when to eat and I can definitely see why eating dense meals, eating early, and working on balancing my blood sugar are important in feeling my best!" — Madeline

  • "Isaac!!! I’m actually HUNGRY! This is like the second or third day I’ve noticed my hunger signals but today I really noticed them. This is like the first time I actually felt hungry and not like I was dying from low blood sugar 😂 THANK YOU!!!! I feel SO GOOD! My anxiety was basically nonexistent all weekend and I honestly can’t remember the last time that happened. My blood sugar was relatively stable, definitely an improvement, and my energy has been really good too!! I've been really starting to prioritize just doing things for me and my own self-care before doing other tasks and have noticed such a big difference in my mood. I feel like I'm able to roll with things that come up so much better without panicking!" — Kathryn

  • "He’s truly doing phenomenal! After looking emaciated with no muscle definition because of eating no carbs and a lack of variety, he’s gone from 162 to 166 lbs. This doesn’t sound like a lot, but he looks totally different! His energy and mental health have been a lot better and for the first time in years, he’s starting to feel satiated. He’s tolerating carbs a lot better and his severe intolerance is gone. We have seen huge differences in adding fruit, healthy carbs, and base minerals. I did not think we would see increases in energy and the way that he feels so quickly! It’s pretty annoying when you look at how our low-carb eating was contributing to this." — Chris and Sandi

  • "I’ve noticed how big of an impact the stress response makes on me, particularly lowering my mental and physical energy in my teaching. One morning while I was teaching a 6 am class (without a snack beforehand) I noticed I was using a lot of energy teaching. The next time with a snack, I think I noticed that the snack was supporting me. I’ve noticed as I’ve started eating first thing in the morning, it has helped me sleep throughout the night without having to wake up and use the toilet, and have more energy and a better tone in my voice while teaching. I’m feeling more refreshed upon waking as well!" — Wendy

  • "I'm feeling much more energetic, alert, and less sleepy, particularly after meals. My blood sugar has trended down into the 80s especially on the days when I can reach each of my goals. My weight is trending down and I haven't had any signs of asthma in the last 3 weeks!" — Bonnie

  • "Before working with you, I had a hard time going up and down stairs and working for 3 days of the week. My energy has improved to the point where I can now work 6 days a week and have carried my son downstairs and don't even think about it. I have gained 10 lbs and on track to gain more to get back to my ideal weight. I've learned the importance of meal planning, density, and frequency, which all played a role in feeling better!" — Tim

  • "Thank you Isaac for being so kind. You have a really good way of listening to people that helps people to speak, which I think is a big part of what’s needed. I feel good and empowered to continue!" — Hamid

  • "I'm eating more whole foods for the first time in 3.5 years, I'm working out more often, I'm not waking up in the middle of the night, and I’m giving myself permission to eat foods like bread. My blood sugar is stabilizing before and after meals even when I'm eating bread!" — Denise

  • "My blood sugar is stabilizing and is in range 86% of the time, I’ve gotten off my jardiance and metformin medications, I’m starting to incorporate carbs, I’m gaining more muscle, particularly in my chest and arms, I have much more energy, and don’t have the same tiredness after meals like I was when my blood sugars were a lot higher“ — Kory

  • "My fasting blood sugar readings have dropped in the range from 120s-140s to 80-90s and my post-meal blood sugars have gone from the 150-180s to less than 130. I think a big part of that improvement has been all the things we’ve been doing, like balanced meals, including more minerals, and better supporting my stress at work. I also just found out that I’m pregnant and I feel that excitement has something to do with it as well!“ — Kelsey

  • "I'm paying more attention to myself and my relationship with food. I’m also more conscious of my choices and what’s going on when I’m eating out. I’m not relying on coffee to support myself during the day and am much more focused on eating a dense meal first. As a result, I have much more energy that feels more natural during the day! When I eat balanced meals, especially not too carb-heavy lunches, I feel much more energized in the morning and afternoon and by the time evening comes around, I’m ready for bed. I think the exercise I’ve been doing has also had a lot to do with that. I’ve also been learning how to enjoy myself with the family when we eat out on weekends, but also stay on track with my food choices, which with the exercise, has been really helpful in seeing weight loss! By doing it brick by brick, your plan hasn’t been this massive, overwhelming thing. I didn’t even realize it, but I’ve been building these healthy habits even when I’ve had a lot going on in my life. I’m really happy I finally have a structure to my day!” — Matt

  • “I’m having much better energy, digestion when I eat, and bowel movements since starting to work on balancing my blood sugar and taking the supplements that you recommended to better manage my iron levels, and am more active as a result!”— Scott

  • “My fasting blood sugars have also dropped by 20-30 points and are under 100. My digestive symptoms have dramatically improved to the point where there are times during the day when I forget I used to have significant heartburn, bloating, gas, and only what I can describe as stomach bubbling. My ravenous hunger has also stabilized quite a bit and where I’m finally feeling more satisfied after eating instead of constantly hungry all day long! — Rachel

  • “I have a much better understanding how to eat and manage my stress to support my health and blood sugar. I’m experiencing better blood sugars with morning blood sugars in the 90s, feeling a lot better and getting sick less often, and haven’t had a migraine in months. I’m able to drive confidently without fearing a migraine, which previously have been debilitating and couldn’t drive anywhere. I’m just functioning well for the first time in a while!" — Stephanie

  • “I’ve dropped my blood sugars from the mid 250s to the 80s-90s in the morning and am not seeing spikes after eating as I did before. I have much more energy, my daughter says I’m happier and I feel that too, and I have lost over 25 lbs without really even trying! I’ve reduced my stress significantly, have been more active outside and getting more sun, which I feel have played a big role in my results so far. It’s just really exciting to see so much great progress! — Laurie

  • “My fasting blood sugar has gotten down to 90 mg/dl and it has been YEARS since I’ve seen it that low! With getting light in the morning, I’ve noticed my sleep has improved significantly and I feel more ready to start the day when I wake up in the morning. Having snacks and doing a few minutes of breathing exercises have helped me to slow down and not feel so go go go at work, which has helped me focus better. With those habits and the way I’ve been eating, my energy has been more stable as well! I’ve always struggled with constipation and this is the first time in years where I’ve had a bowel movement each day! My sleep is also getting better where I feel energized and ready to start the day before my alarm goes off.” — Kristine

  • “I was really looking forward to talking with you to tell you that I feel like another layer has been taken off. I’ve felt really good recently. I’ve had none of the “crash” symptoms, like the lightheadedness, anxiousness, can’t think straight, and the life or death need to eat during the day that I’ve felt previously. My morning blood sugars have gone from the 112s and 116s to now below 100! I feel like a part of it was going outside everyday and getting sunlight and starting to eat breakfast earlier. I’ve just felt like human again.“ — Michelle

  • “I was constantly checking my blood sugar with my CGM and the“ double checking it with my glucometer to make sure it’s in-range. As a result, I was finding myself being very reactive to my blood sugar, constantly treating with extra insulin or juice and gels to get it back in range. I felt like it kept leading to roller coaster blood sugars. I’ve been really focusing on how I feel instead of the slight dips and rises in the numbers and it’s helped me avoid treating my blood sugar when I shouldn’t have. I’m making less reactive decisions, my time in range has gone from 55% to 85% in the last month, I’m getting a better understanding of what a high, low, and good blood sugar feels like, and not having to stop my day, workout, or playing with my kids to treat my blood sugar. My stress and energy have also been better too!" — Adam

  • “Prior to working with you, I’ve been going through difficult symptoms, like the blurred vision, dizziness, difficulty speaking, brain fog, tension headaches, confusion, poor concentration, memory problems, and feeling unsafe to drive, especially when I was more active. The only thing that seemed to help temporarily was eating high-calorie foods, like desserts and fast-food, but it was making me gain weight. I felt like I was trying so hard, but nothing was working! In the time that I’ve been working with you, I’ve felt amazing, especially these last few months. I know when we first started talking, within the first week, I saw my blood sugar become more balanced and it was the first time in at least 6 months that I went a day without feeling dizzy. I feel like the big difference was eating dense meals, the mineral testing that we did, and addressing the fear I had anytime I ate something. Now I don’t get any symptoms! I hang out with friends, walk, play at the playgrounds with my daughter, go to the grocery store, and I have no episodes of dizziness or brain fog. At the start everything was just so unpredictable and so difficult to make connections because I would seemingly get symptoms out of nowhere no matter what I did. Your help with pinpointing what I needed has been so helpful. Thank you so much!” — Miriam

The Balanced Blood Sugar Method

  • In this phase, we’ll identify what I call your Sweet Spots. Based on your trends and history, these are the top two areas that you need to address to make sure you see improvements in blood sugar balance ASAP!

  • Next, we’ll help you tune into the signals that your body is telling you know exactly how to eat, live, and move to support your blood sugar, but also how you feel day in and day out!

  • We’ll identify your mineral imbalances, deficiencies, and toxicities with complementary mineral testing to pinpoint why your blood sugar is not improving and address it with nutrition, lifestyle, and if needed, some supplemental recommendations.

  • For clients looking for weight loss or gaining muscle, we have an extra phase to help you improve your body composition by supporting your metabolism so that you address the root cause and sustain weight loss and/or muscle gain long after we’re done working together!

If you resonated with the stories and plan above, I have designed a program specifically for people looking for a clear, simple, and sustainable path to better blood sugar and health. This program is called The Balanced Blood Sugar Method. To see if you qualify, schedule complete the following short form and I will then reach out to you within 24 hours to discuss the next steps. I look forward to connecting with you!

Frequently Asked Questions

Our Services

  • If you are wanting to improve your blood sugar balance in a sustainable, root-cause way, and are willing to put in the work, if you follow the steps, you will get there. Many times though, this is not always about the program, but more about your confidence that you can do it. And I totally get this because I’ve been in your shoes struggling not knowing what or who to trust.

    We have a team of coaches to support you at every step of the way so that if and when you do get stuck, you’re never going to be without support to help you reach your health goals. If you have some questions on this, please fill out the form below and request a 20 minute chat and we can also talk through this to answer your questions or concerns!

  • Not a problem! I do have a few other options that I’ve used for past clients to help them financially. When you fill out the form below, please mention you would need other financial options and we can discuss what may work best for you.

  • Totally hear you on this! Most of the clients that come to me as well have also tried things before whether that be naturopaths, diets, supplement protocols, and/or testing.

    One of the first things that we do in our program is get to know you and explore what things you’ve tried before, what worked, what didn’t, and why. The reason being is there’s no point to repeating the exact things that haven’t worked for you in the past. At the same time, if you thought about it, there’s probably some things in your past that actually have been beneficial. We want to explore it all to be able to best support you moving forward.

    If you are willing to not have a past experience or experiences define your success moving forward, working through these is actually a very important part of getting where you want to go!

  • This program isn't exclusive to those with type 1 diabetes. My program offers a personalized, balanced, and root-cause approach to diet and lifestyle to improve your body’s ability to balance blood sugar from within, which can help in eliminating hypoglycemia and reversing pre-diabetes and type 2 diabetes.

  • Yes, we provide lab interpretations of past lab work and for the clients that can benefit, provide complementary HTMA and Full Monty panel testing that can help improve blood sugar balance.

  • We specialize in helping clients improve their blood sugar control within so they have to rely less on external things like medications or supplements, I cannot make you a promise that you’ll get off insulin or medication because it can depend on how long you’ve been on them and your individual ability to implement strategies.

    But what I can say is we’re going to help you fill in the nutrition and lifestyle gaps to address the real reasons why your blood sugar is imbalanced so that perhaps between you and your doctor, you can reduce your reliance on insulin or medication because you’re going to have better control of your blood sugar like we’ve done for our other clients.

  • Not at this time. However, I can submit what’s called a Superbill on your behalf, which you can take to your insurance company to see if you can get some reimbursement, which clients have had success with.

  • Yes, I do! I couldn’t guarantee that card would work because it ultimately depends on your plan, but I can say many of my clients have had success using these funds for coaching.

  • Yes, as long as you can speak English, me and my team have worked with clients in countries, including Australia, New Zealand, the UK, Ireland, Scotland, Spain, Mexico, Canada, Singapore, South Africa, etc.

  • Item description
  • The thing about supplements (assuming they are the right ones for you based on testing) is that they typically don’t work well when you haven’t built your nutritional foundation.

    I compare it to gears in a clock or watch. One gear turns the next and that gear turns the watch hand. Nutrients that are in supplements work together, not in isolation, so if you’re getting a ton through a supplement, but missing others (in this case other gears), you won’t see a benefit.

    The good things about making root cause, sustainable changes is that they require less supplementation and personally, I find clients have more success the less supplemets that they take.

  • Just like most things, you get out what you put in. If you’re willing to show up to calls, ask questions, and put your full effort into the goals that we both agree upon in each session, you’ll get to where you want to be with your health.